Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Cheap Beer and Prose" Thursday, Jan. 28, 7 p.m.

By now you’ve recovered from your New Year’s hangover—just in time for
another “Cheap Beer and Prose,” next Thursday, January 28, 7 p.m. at
Richard Hugo House.

The featured readers are former “Arrested Development” writer and author
of “This One Is Mine,” Maria Semple, Matthew Simmons, author of “A Jello
Horse,” Midge Raymond, author of “Forgetting English,” and McSweeney’s
martial arts writer Rory Douglas.

Charla Grenz hosts; PBR is a buck per can; and a raucous open mic closes
the evening. All sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon and Richard Hugo House.

Be there!

The “Cheap Wine and Poetry”/”Cheap Beer and Prose” Crew

About the Authors
Rory Douglas is from Everett, Washington, and works at a large
Presbyterian church in Seattle. He just finished his MFA at Goddard
College and writes a mixed martial arts column for People
still mistake him for his mom on the phone.

Midge Raymond’s short story collection, “Forgetting English” (Eastern
Washington University Press, 2009), received the Spokane Prize for Short
Fiction. “Parts of these polished stories,” wrote the Seattle Times,
“sound like a smart patient describing a dream to a psychoanalyst.” Her
work has appeared in TriQuarterly, American Literary Review, Ontario
Review, North American Review, the Los Angeles Times and other
publications. Her current projects are supported by an Artist
Trust/Washington State Arts Commission Fellowship.

Maria Semple is the author of the novel, “This One Is Mine,” (Little,
Brown 2008) which is currently nominated for a PNBA award. Before turning
to fiction, she wrote for many Emmy-award winning television shows such as
“Arrested Development,” “Mad About You” and “Ellen.” She is currently at
work on her second novel. Please visit her at

Matthew Simmons is the author, most recently, of the novella “A Jello
Horse” from Publishing Genius Press. He blogs at, edits interviews for and
is a regular contributor to HTML Giant.


Peaceful Sun - Karina said...

Trying to connect with other writers, love your post

Unknown said...

Why not a sparkly, literary-inclined, kick-ass man? Not that I am one. Male, that is. But still, this is the new millennium. Sexism went out in the late 1970s. Didn't it?

Unknown said...

I don't know how this ended up on the wrong post. Please feel free to delete it.